If you want to shop with a small family company that truly appreciates your business, you've come to the right place!
ABOUT US: Our rescue dog Karma IS our family. As a small family of 3, Karma gets our undivided love and attention (which she reciprocates in full). Now that Karma is getting older, we have become more cautious of invasive procedures and prescription medications. We created our products out of necessity, when we couldn't find the all natural high quality health and wellness products we wanted for our dog. So, Good Karma Naturals was born.
OUR MISSION: To provide pet owners with all natural painless solutions as an alternative to expensive medications and intrusive procedures. Our pets are our family, and their comfort and safety is our #1 priority. Our products are formulated for pets, but they are safe enough for humans!
ALL NATURAL: We use only 100% pure and natural ingredients that are good for you, your pet, and our planet. Our highly effective old world remedies offer new age results using essential oils, vitamins, minerals, herbs, extracts and antioxidants found in nature. Whenever possible we use non-GMO and Organic ingredients. Our products are made in the USA with domestic and globally sourced ingredients.
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: We believe what goes around, comes around - so we treat our customers how we would want to be treated. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return the product for a FULL refund. Easy Peasy.
KARMA CARES: Good Karma Naturals gives back to our community by donating a portion of the profits of EVERY sale to a charity that helps and protects animals. If there is a charity you would like to nominate for a donation, please let us know!
We hope our products will help your pet as much as they has helped ours! Before subjecting your pet to surgery or long term medications, please give us a try!
Contact Us:
[email protected]
Toll-free: 1-800-443-1005 (M-F 10am-4pm EST)
Follow Us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoodKarmaNaturals